Looking for something to do on Halloween? St. John's UCC is holding a "Trunk or Treat" starting at 6pm on 10/31.
about 2 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
Here's our October "Board Brief" - a brief update about what went on at this month's board meeting! You can find previous month's information via our school website under the Board of Education heading.
about 2 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
Board Brief
Joining us for conferences this week? Make sure you take a look and bid on our Silent Auction items. Items are located in the foyer and outside the main office. The auction is open until Thursday at 7pm. We have some great items and all money goes back to help out our teachers and classrooms! Cash, checks & credit cards will be accepted for payment after auction close.
about 2 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
auction 2
auction 3
auction 4
Mother / Son Skate Night is set for November 9th. We need 50 people (moms or mom-like figures & sons) in order to hold the event. Please sign up by THIS WEDNESDAY to attend!
over 2 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
Mrs. LePere's 2nd Graders have really ben enjoying our new library!
over 2 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
Next Week is Red Ribbon Week at Smithton School! Please see the flyer for each of our day's themes!
over 2 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
We are still looking for substitute custodians! Please share!
over 2 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
National Junior Honor Society sponsored a "Sock it to Cancer" campaign to raise money for Kellsie's Hope. Kellsie's Hope assists local families with children who have cancer, in addition to raising awareness and funds for childhood cancer. Smithton School students were able to raise $5379.38 in 4 days! The attached photos are of Mrs. LaFrence's 5th grade class - who raised the most money and earned a pizza party - and the students who won for the "best decorated sock" pictured with Mrs. Michelle Smith, sponsor of NJHS and Gail Marchbanks, the director of Kellsie's Hope. Thank you everyone!
over 2 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
1st Grade is learning about Community Helpers this week. They had a guest speaker come in and read to them on Monday! It was our Student Resource Officer (SRO), Mr. Harris! 👮‍♀️ He is a community helper who helps keep us safe at school.
over 2 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
On Friday our 1st Graders took a trip to the Zoo! It was a beautiful day and they had so much fun exploring with parents & friends.
over 2 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
This week is Digital Citizenship Week in the US. Digital Citizenship can be defined as engaging in appropriate & responsible behavior when using technology. It encompasses digital literacy, ethics, etiquette, online safety and more. More information can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ju9aOc2MLyo
over 2 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
Good Luck to our Cross Country Teams today at the State Meet! Yesterday we had a "clap out" for the teams to wish them luck!
over 2 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
Kindergarten & 1st Grade learned about Fire Safety at the Smithton Firehouse today!
over 2 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
kdg fire1
Congratulations to our Boys & Girls Cross Country Teams who have both advanced to the State competition in DuQuoin on Saturday! Information for State can be found here: https://www.flowcode.com/page/2022sijhsaastateccmeets?fbclid=IwAR2IxXOpJE0YN3OzAd2ik13KPejdSfyJDj6Qag2k9hp_AHzTeKCUgbFkcmE
over 2 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
1st Grade collected money to adopt animals at the St. Louis Zoo. Enough money was collected for each class to adopt 3 animals! Mrs. Lucash's class: Spotted Hyena, Red-Kneed Tarantula and Reticulated Giraffe. Mrs. Gerberding's class: Spotted Hyena, Red-Kneed Tarantula and Chimpanzee Mrs. Lance's Class: Spotted Hyena, Red-Kneed Tarantula and Chimpanzee
over 2 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
Today our Girls on the Run team is practicing for the 5K that they will participate in on November 12th at Forest Park!
over 2 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
Last call for Veterans Day Shirts! Orders due tomorrow.
over 2 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
Smithton Families - we cannot thank you enough for the support of our Positive Referral Pantry! We have been so overwhelmed with goodies we've had to remove the account for a bit - just so we can get through all of the items we've received! We are so grateful and will let you know when the site is active again. Thank you so much!
over 2 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
A huge thank you to Dr. Castelli & Mrs. Belosi for having the Destination Desserts food truck come and treat Smithton teachers & staff to sweet treats on our Institute Day today!
over 2 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
food truck
food truck 1
food truck 2
Last week, Mrs. Walls' Kindergarten friends created drawings of "Sparky the Dog" while learning about fire safety!
over 2 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130